Cost and Management Accountant is a globally accepted and highly demanded professional. He may build up his own practice or may take up employment in private, public or government sector with high remuneration. The Cost Accountant is responsible for audits like cost audit, special audit, compliance audit, stock audit etc. They are the ones who would decide whether the costing for certain projects or production of the company will or will not impact the finances of the organisation positively. The various types of skills a CMA employs help the senior management to make decisions regarding the finances of the company.
Various Ministries of the Government of India have authorized the Cost Accountant in practice for certifying various returns and to issue compliance certificates. Cost Accountant can work as faculty in colleges and universities. In GST related affairs, CMAs have a vital role as per the Act.
There is a sustained demand for qualified, trained and experienced cost accountants in India and abroad in different industries and Government Departments. There is no doubt that a Cost Accountant can attain the highest ladder of professional career.
This course covers 3 stages
CMA Foundation / CAT
- Fundamentals of Economics & Management
- Fundamentals of Accounting
- Fundamentals of Laws and Ethics
- Fundamentals of Business Mathematics and Statistics

CMA Intermediate
- Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
- Industrial Laws and Applied Business
- Financial Accounting 2
- Statutory Compliance
Group - I:
- Operations Management & Information System
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Indirect Tax
- Company Accounts and Audit
Group - II:
CMA Final
- Corporate Laws and Compliance
- Advanced Financial Management
- Business Strategy & Strategic Cost Management
- Tax Management
Group - I:
- Strategic Performance Management
- Corporate Financial Reporting
- Cost and Management Audit
- Financial Analysis & Business Valuation