Company Secretary Course is conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, which is under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of the Government of India. Company Secretaries can engage himself in the practice of company secretary or he can easily be placed in companies with high remuneration. Membership of ICSI has been recognized for the appointment to various superior posts and services under the central government. The major contribution of Company Secretaries is in the Corporate Sector. Being a Principal legal Advisor to the Board of Directors, CS provides the best guidance on corporate governance and is responsible for complying with all regulations.
He is a strategist and strategic manager for all aspects of business operations. CS is recognized for appointment of lectures in colleges and universities. CS is a suitable career option for you if you have good judgemental quality, legal aptitude, administrative ability, interest in current affairs backed with good communication skills.
This course covers 3 stages
CS Foundation
- Business Environment & Law.
- Business Management, Ethics & Entrepreneurship.
- Business Economics.
- Fundamentals of Accounting and Auditing.

CS Executive
- Company Accounts and Cost & Management Accounting(ICA & CMA)
- General Laws and Commercial Laws(IGCL)
- Management of Information and Corporate Communication(IMIS &CC)
- Tax Laws(ITL)
Module - I:
- Company Law(ICL)
- Company Secretarial Practice(ICSP)
- Economic Labour and Industrial Laws(IELIL)
- Securities Laws and Regulation of Financial Markets(ISL & RFM)
Module - II:
CS Professional
- Advanced Company Law & Practice
- Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence
- Corporate Restructuring, Valuation Insolvency
Module - I:
- Information Technology & Systems Audit
- Financial, Treasury & Forex Management
- Ethics, Governance & Sustainability
Module - II:
- Advanced Tax Laws & Practice
- Drafting, Appearances & Pleadings
- One Elective Paper